Posterous Posts

Posted Apr 17 2011 23:37 GMT
I came across your video of your AT hike, and was transported to the trail through your photos and video footage. I am an avid hiker, but live life with a traumatic brain injury and multiple sclerosis---so my dreams of taking on such a feat lie in living them vicariously through folks like you.
I am partnered with a service dog, so I can also relate to the aspect of the canine-human bond, and was especially drawn to your accomplishment with your canine friend, Kooper; what a GREAT trail dog! My service dog, Nadja loves to go hiking with my daughter and I when I am blessed enough with the good health to do it, but I can't imagine taking her to the heights (literally) that you did with Kooper---wow!!
I can also relate to learning how to live simply and finding out what's really important. Although, this lesson wasn't taught to me through getting back to nature, but by losing my home with my little girl after a brutal home invasion caused us to lose our entire family/home in one horrible night. I learned that living with so much less frees you up to discover new pathways in life---ones that are usually covered up in clutter (mental and physical).
Thank you for sharing your journey with the world---and for folks like me, whose bodies can not handle the rigors of the trail, but whose spirit desire it. ;-)
God bless you and Kooper----please tell him that K-9 Nadja sends him a great, big doggie shout out ;-)
just ran across your youtube video. i too love to go hiking with my dog Tiger. lost my border collie, Sadie in may of 2011. she had developed health problems over the last 3 years of her life. we used to go mt. biking every weekend and then she just got old and sick. i tell people we both got old and fat the last 3 years she was with me (i got over 300lbs.). when she died i took a personel inventory and decided it was time to get back into shape. so i went to the shelter looking for the most obnoxious dog i could find. my plan was to save him and he would save me. june 12, 2011 was the day. that day i couldn't go 2 miles without killing myself. a year later i was down over 50lbs. and doing 10-15 mile death marches on sat and sun and 3-5 miles on week day afternoons. This year i started keeping a mileage log and Tiger and i will break 1500 miles by year end. we did a small portion of the AT in may by NOC. My son was so impressed with Tiger he rescued Koda who now has joined the hiking team. She had issues too but happy to report that in a year of rehabilitation she has completely come out of her shell and even learned to play.
i'm not a religious person but there is something spiritual about hiking in the woods with your dog. there is a bond i have with Tiger that i could never have with a human. my wife even gets jealous sometimes. since i got Tiger he has missed only one 5 mile hike due to a minor leg injury and i had to confine him to keep him in. he would have done the hike with a bum leg.
if anyone else needs motivation to get out hiking more, may i recommend a dog. any dog will do too. the shelters are full of them. it took me a few months to train Tiger but between obedience and agility classes we created a lifetime bond. i use to smoke 15-20 cigars a week and drink lots of bourbon. i still enjoy an occasional smoke and drink but lets just say the local cigar shops and liquor stores have seen a major decrease in income thanks to the Tiger Dog. when i do stop by them i usually have Tiger with me and they laugh about it and comment on the weight loss. my day used to revolve around getting done at work and heading to a bar or poker game (aka the smoke filled rooms) and now it revolves around my afternoon hikes with the dogs. every afternoon they are waiting for me to put on the hiking boots and get on the trails behind my house. if i'm not on the deck they start barking letting me know its time to go. on weekends i can't even get to the van without them jumping in because they are worried i might leave without them.
so again, if you need motivation just go rescue a dog. they never say no to a hike in the woods.
Posted Sep 04 2010 13:53 GMT
Stunning views! Loved the post, too. Man... it must be suck to forget something when you're hiking, but that's awesome that the hostel had denatured alcohol!
You're almost there!
Posted Aug 26 2010 19:06 GMT
That's awesome man!
Great story dude... funny to hear you mention hiking Killington, I've skiied there many a time. Good memories. You're almost there man, keep it up - we're thinking and praying for you back here in ATL!
Posted Aug 10 2010 00:07 GMT
Posted Jul 24 2010 12:01 GMT
We has several 20km stretches here in Costa Rica where the roads were just rocks, not dirt, not mud, but rocks, and, yes, we hated it too, so did the car. Feeling your pain (sorta).
Good job.
That last picture is an awesome view! Hope you're having an awesome time man, we miss you back in the ATL...
Posted Jul 09 2010 10:59 GMT
Take it easy, dude! 30 miles is not easy, but be sure you have plenty of water! Did you get my message/question? Where should we mail the package???? Duncannon seems too late....where next?
Posted Jul 05 2010 17:19 GMT
Posted May 25 2010 01:05 GMT
After you’ve enjoyed all these stops and recharged, it might be worth thinking about creating your own cozy place to stay. This way, you can return anytime without worrying about hostels or hotels. Carson Hess is a great expert who can help you find a home that perfectly suits your needs. His experience in real estate for active individuals will help you find the ideal spot for long-term relaxation or even permanent living.
Hostels like these truly add so much character to a trip! It’s similar to how unique villa options in Jumeirah Park, like those on this platform can enhance the experience of finding a dream home with personal charm and community warmth.
Posted May 16 2010 21:55 GMT
update... a guy just picked up a meal for me from KFC. I asked him how much I owed him and he said "don't worry about it, trail magic"
Posted May 10 2010 20:02 GMT
Great post!
Posted May 03 2010 20:04 GMT
Posted Apr 30 2010 21:21 GMT
Awesome man, I had a feeling you'd have some of those kinds of moments out there. Enjoy every minute of it... and stay safe. :)
Posted Apr 20 2010 19:23 GMT
The Blood Ntn shelter was built during the depression by the CCC and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Not a good place to sleep, however, since it tends to be infested with mice due to hikers eating and dropping crumbs inside.
Posted Apr 15 2010 18:30 GMT
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